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10 Mar 2017
How to be more Confident, Shamoor blog,

How to be more confident ?

You know how each one of us has that one friend that is just so charming and confident, and never takes no for an answer. How seamlessly he just goes up and mesmerizes people with his sweet talking style, swift moves, and what not. Now, if you can relate to this, you’ll definitely be able to relate with the desire of wanting to be that person.

What we’re going to tell you today can just be the first step on that journey of becoming much more charming, confident, and getting what you want from your career, school, friends, basically life.

What you need to keep in mind is a very simple saying- ‘Confidence is the Key to everything.’

Now you might just be going, ‘No Shit, Sherlock!’. Because everyone knows this, but no one knows what the key to being confident is. And therein my friend lies the answer, that no one knows the one sure shot way of instant confidence.

There is one though. But it requires a lot of dedication, hard work, and constant reminders to yourself. So keep this in mind, the only way to gain confidence if you lack it, is to fake it.

Yes, it is that simple.

You can try by doing a very simple exercise, try and force yourself to smile for an hour. Even if it does look creepy for a bit, force yourself to do it for and hour. Psychologically speaking, it retracts our brain into mimicking our physical actions to our emotions, and you will notice that the positive vibe around you growing within the hour.

How this trick works for confidence is because the more you fake it, the more experienced you get. The more experienced you get, the more simpler it becomes for your mind and body to ease you into situations that make you nervous and give you the chills. Sure, this method will take up a bit of time to finally instil that charm and confidence into your personality, but this is the one sure shot way of increasing your chances of getting what you want from life.

This method is essentially a trial and error method if we get into technical terms. The more you try and the more you fail, the better would be your knowledge of what works and what doesn’t. So, the first and probably the only step that you will need is to ‘fake it before you make it’.

Just to get you a little more motivated for trying out this method, once you do this enough you’ll have a bout of confidence that would not only be an integral part of your personality, but you’ll also find it much more easier to connect with people, impress them and basically taking the first step towards getting what you want.


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