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25 Feb 2017
how to go viral on social media

How to go viral on social media?

Let’s just be a little honest here, we all want to be famous. We all want people to like us, or maybe just like the things we post on our social media. We’re closing in on the second decade of the 21st century, and truly are living in the future. A future where social media commands our lives.

So the question does often pop up, how does one get the much required social media attention?

What we need to acknowledge first is that there are a ton of social media platforms. Counting down from the most popular, you have Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, Google+, Reddit, Tumblr, and the list goes on.
What needs to be understood is that each of these platforms has a own audience with a different taste. So what is it that you need to do?

The answer my friend, lies just in the simple details. And fret not, we bring to you some fool proof ways where you can easily get the love and affection you want from your followers and add a bunch more as well, and maybe even go ‘viral’ worldwide.

  1. Create something you would share. Think of it this way, if you saw what you are to post on your newsfeed, would you share it yourself? No? Then work on it till you are proud enough to share it on your wall. Because if you won’t be ready to share it, why would anyone else?
  2. Variety. Ah! The age old tried and tested formula of trial and error. You could and should experiment with a variety of content. Videos, photos, status updates, tweets, all spread across a variety of genres and the chances of you creating something that goes viral have just increased.
  3. Get Help Sharing your posts. The simple formula of asking your friends & family to share your posts works wonders as it instantly increases the audience. This also helps you get cross platform attention, just don’t be a pest and they’ll happily oblige.
  4. Timing is the Key. The timing of your social media posts is more crucial than you might think. And don’t just take advice from a blog post that you found online, and actually go into the insights of your post. Check on what is the time most of your followers are online and that’s when you have the chance of reaching the maximum amount of people.
  5. Humour is Social. Internet is a place full of humour. So it is only natural that humorous posts and content that is filled with wit and style captures much more attention than anything else. Just make sure that you stay original and true to yourself, because trust us, originality is what will get you there.

So, these were just a few handy tips that will help you increase the traffic and attention that you get on your social


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