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26 Jun 2017

How Alicia Souza built a successful e-commerce platform from scratch

‘An e-commerce platform has been launched and it soon becomes a huge success story’ Sounds familiar? Of course, it does, that’s a case with a majority of e-commerce websites.What is the reason for the boom in the e-commerce industry?The answer is simple- Today’s digital world.

An ever-increasing number of people are turning to e-commerce websites for their purchases. As the number of ‘e- customers’ are increasing every passing day, the business of e-commerce platforms thrive, and thus comes cut- throat competition and an increasing need to stand out and be different.

You all know about the success stories of Flipkart, Amazon and more. But amidst this crowd, one name which has escaped capturing a lot of attention, and yet has become a force to be reckoned with is Alicia Souza.Who? you might ask, and you can be forgiven for asking so. Well, we are here to shed more light on her story, how she created such a distinctive and successful e- commerce platform.So who exactly is Alicia Souza?

Alicia is an independent illustrator and communications designer who has handled clients including Google and Cadbury. She has spent her growing years in the Middle East and soon enough, branched off into independent designing. And it has been a choice she has never regretted.

‘Dancing robots and enthusiastic cutlets- Welcome to the whimsical world of Alicia Souza. Just happy stuff for happy people. The opening line on the ‘About’ section of her website. That’s something different, isn’t it? Something catchy and something fun. Well, same is the case with the products on her website. They are quirky, unconventional and a breath of fresh air.The notebooks, badges and even wrapping paper available to purchase on her website is something which interests people and word passes on from one person to another really soon. And boom! A small time thing turns into something extraordinary.

‘A happy and welcoming site’ the success of e- commerce sites are their designs also. The look of her store is very homely and appealing. The website uses a very minimalistic layout combined with different colors which make it fun to explore. The sites which are pleasing to mind attracts customers and they stay long with them.

‘A soul one can relate to’- Alicia Souza



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