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26 Jun 2017

How Often To Post On Social Media

We all are addicts to Social Media. We all want to keep in touch with our loved ones constantly with this tool and on a daily basis, share a lot of stuff on our account on a regular basis. Now as a businessman, you are concerned about your activeness amongst your online customers. If you post very little, your customers may forget about your existence. And if you post very often, it can cause a nuisance and the customers may spam your ads. So how to strike a balance?

The first thing that you must consider is the size of your customer base. If it’s around 10,000 to a lakh, then two posts per day is the best option. In this way, no one will be disturbed and your online presence is maintained. It is not mandatory to follow it everyday as there might be a creative block on some days. If your customer base is less than 10,000, then it’s you who has to choose more engagement with your content or more clicks to your website.


Another option that you may try is the one that is very increasingly used by smartphone companies: the sneak-peek posting method. You can do a few posts on arousing curiosity amongst your customers and then on the final day, you reveal it out for the world full of customers to see it. This way you may be able assess beforehand whether your product will be a hit in the long run or not.

The ideal frequency that exists is posting 1-5 times in a month which can double the clicks on your post and will eventually increase the traffic coming to your website. Although, following this may not guarantee you the desired result but you may tailor it as per your needs and be a master of your own unique strategy.

In the end, posting frequency on social media is confusing yet important. It all depends on your business goals and the amount of time that you wish to be patient and commit to your SMM efforts.

Source: Sourish Das




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